Friday, October 2, 2009

4 month checkup

I went to see the pediatrician for my 4 month checkup today.  It was fun, as long as either Mommy or Daddy were holding me - I'm starting to get a little nervous around strangers, but Dr. Leeper says that's a good sign of development.  I weigh 17lb, 2oz and I'm 25 inches long!  I'm in the 50th percentile for height and the 90th for weight, but the doctor said not to worry - I'll even out when I start to become more mobile.  He also said he thinks I'll be getting some teeth soon!  My upper gums are bulging a bit and Mommy swears she can see teeth right below the surface on my lower gums.

I also got the go-ahead to start eating cereal, so Mommy and Daddy said we could try some today.  Check back soon for pictures of what is sure to be an uber-messy momentous occasion! 

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