Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rolling, Part 2

I learned how to roll from back to belly yesterday!  I've been rolling from belly to back for awhile, but the other way is much harder - and last night, I did it!  Mommy had put me on my play mat on the floor and I turned onto my side.  She went to cook dinner, and when she came back...I was on my tummy.  She was so excited and proud of me!

The only problem is that now I can't be swaddled when I go to sleep; if I roll over in the middle of the night I need my arms free to be able to roll back.  So, last night was a little rough!  I woke up every hour (sometimes more than once) until Mommy just gave up and let me sleep with her and Daddy at about 6 this morning.  Then I was happy, because it was so warm and snuggly!  Mommy says I can't make a habit out of it, though.

1 comment:

  1. Yay Noah! Congratulations! Good luck with the De-swaddling! I am so worried when we have to do that!
