Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's officially the holiday season!


Today is my first Thanksgiving!  We spent the day at a friend's house; mommy made some things to take over there (green bean casserole, corn casserole, stuffing, and Grands biscuits), and her friend Maurisa made some things (a turkey, mashed potatoes & gravy, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin and apple pies).  It all looked really good, but Mommy let me try some of her mashed potatoes and I HATED them!  I made a horrible face.  But then she gave me my first baby food (sweet potatoes, in honor of Thanksgiving) and I LOVED it - I ate the whole container...and got it all over the place in the process.  My pediatrician recommended not starting solids other than cereal until 6 months old, but it's only a few days early, and it was a special occasion.


I went to see Santa a few days ago!  Mommy says he'll bring me presents on Christmas morning.  I wasn't quite sure about him at first, but I'm pretty laid back about meeting new people so I was okay with it after just a few seconds.

Mommy & Daddy and I are going to Florida in 3 weeks to see our family, and I'm so excited!  The last time I got to see everyone I was only two months old, and I've grown and learned so much since then - I can't wait to show everyone what a big boy I am!

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