Wednesday, December 2, 2009

6 month appointment

I went to the pediatrician today for my 6 month appointment, and he says I'm doing very well!  My ears are all better (I had my first ear infection last week, but I've been on antibiotics for several days), and I'm in perfect health.  I weigh 19lb 5oz (80th percentile) and I am 27 1/4" long (75th percentile).  I'm ready to start "real" baby food, instead of just cereal, which I'm excited about.  I've started to experience a little bit of anxiety around strangers (I'm okay if Mommy or Daddy is holding me or if I can see them, but if a stranger tries to hold me I get a little scared), which the doctor says is totally normal and actually a very healthy part of social development - I'm even a little ahead of schedule with it; usually it doesn't start for another couple of months.

I got 5 (yes, five) shots today; 3 were routine vaccines and I got the flu vaccine and the H1N1 vaccine.  Mommy says that they give them to me to make sure I don't get sick, but that doesn't make me like them any better!  I was REALLY mad when the nurse gave me the shots, but just a few minutes later I was smiling and laughing, and now I'm pretty much back to my usual self, just a little tired.

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