Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lots of updates

This has been SUCH a busy month!  I learned a lot of new skills, and we took a 2 week trip to Florida for the holidays.

First, I learned how to get into a sitting position on my own, which is both a blessing and a curse; I don't have to cry for Mommy or Daddy to help me when I want to sit up anymore, but I keep sitting up in the crib and waking myself up in the middle of the night.  Hopefully soon I'll get used to my new skill and stop waking up at night.

My first airplane ride was a huge success!  Mommy and I flew from Nashville to Atlanta and then onto Ft. Lauderdale (Daddy drove down with the dogs so we wouldn't have to board them for so long) on the 18th, early in the morning; our flight left at 6:30, which meant that we had to wake up at about 3am to be at the airport on time.  I think Mommy was nervous about how I would do on the flight, but she didn't need to worry - I did great!  I slept for most of the first flight, Mommy fed me at the beginning of the second flight and I stayed awake until it was time to land.  The change in air pressure didn't bother my ears at all!

Sitting on the plane like a big boy

Sleeping in Mommy's lap on the plane
We stayed at Grandma & Grandpa's house, along with Aunt Stacie and Aunt Stephanie.  It was so good to see everyone; I miss them so much!

A couple of days after we got to Florida, we went to dinner with Mommy and Daddy's good friends Julie and Bryan.  Mommy and I got a cold (probably when we were on the airplane), so I was a little cranky, but we had fun anyway.  Julie and Bryan are going to have a baby soon (it's due on July 4th)!  They don't know if it's a boy or a girl (they won't find out until it's born) but since I'll be a year older I'll be able to show him or her a lot of fun stuff!

My first Christmas was really great!  We spent Christmas Eve with Mommy's family; in the morning, she and I went with all the women and kids to breakfast at the Cracker Barrel,

At Cracker Barrel for breakfast

then went to a bunch of cemeteries where we have family members buried and put flowers and Christmas trees on their graves (I know it sounds a little morbid, but it's a family tradition and we had fun!), then we went to Burger King for lunch.

At Burger King for lunch

That night, we went to our cousin Peggy's house for dinner with the whole family. 

Aunt Staci and Dillon eating dinner with some cousins

We had a lot of food to eat (Mommy and Daddy even let me try some new things), and then we opened presents.  Holy cow, I got a lot of good stuff, and I'm really excited to play with all of my new toys!  We went outside to look for Santa, and my cousin Dillon saw him through the clouds!  Mommy and Daddy said we had to hurry and get home so that Santa could come and leave us presents.

Me and Daddy outside looking for Santa

On Christmas morning, my Aunt Staci came in to wake us up early in the morning, and when we went downstairs we saw that Santa had been there and left us presents!  I got a lot of great toys from Santa and some really cool clothes from Grandma & Grandpa, Aunt Staci, and Aunt Stephanie.

Me and Daddy waiting to open gifts on Christmas morning

One of my really cool toys

Opening a gift

Another cool toy from Grandma & Grandpa

Me & Aunt Stephanie playing with one of my new toys

Later that day, a bunch of aunts, uncles, and cousins from Daddy's side of the family came over to Grandma & Grandpa's house for Christmas "dinner" at about 3:00.  It was fun to see everyone, but I got a little overwhelmed with all the people holding me and talking to me, so Mommy took me upstairs for a nap.  After that I was fine again, and we hung out with the family for awhile before going over to Daddy's aunt's house to see the other side of the family.  I was having a ton of fun hanging out with my grandpa, my great-grandparents, aunts & uncles, and cousins!  I also got a bunch of new clothes and some toys.

Me with my Great-Grandma

Me with my cousin Jenny
On the day after Christmas, Mommy and I went shopping with Grandmother, Peggy, Samantha, Dillon & Alexis, and Aunt Betty.  Mommy got a few things, but mostly we just had fun hanging out with the family again.  That night, we went to Grandmother & Granddaddy's house for dinner, and I opened the presents they got me for Christmas.  I'm especially excited about the toy they got me that pops little balls in a globe as you push it along - now I just need to learn how to walk!

On the 27th, I finally learned how to crawl!  I've been working on it for awhile now, and I just sort of started moving - I wasn't even really sure what was going on, until everyone (Mommy, Daddy, Grandma & Grandpa, and Stephanie & Staci) started cheering and clapping - and then I started to cry.  But I calmed down and crawled again a little while later.

We went to Metro Zoo while we were down in Florida, and we had a lot of fun!  The weather was beautiful and I loved seeing all the animals.  We walked around all day, and we were all really tired on the way home.

Looking at the alligators

At the aquarium

This gorilla was sitting at the edge of their area, just staring at us!

Mommy let me try some of her ice was good!

Riding on Daddy's shoulders

For New Year's Eve, a bunch of people came over to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  I went to bed early but everyone else stayed up late, and they were LOUD!  They woke me up a couple of times, but I finally got to sleep for the night.

On New Year's Day, Mommy was dressing me and I reached up, grabbed her shirt, and pulled myself up to standing!  I fell down pretty quickly (onto the bed) and I haven't done it since, but now I know that I can!

Now Mommy and I are back home, and it's COLD!  About 19 degrees.  After being in Florida for 2 weeks it was a little bit of a shock, but we're very glad to be home.  We sure do miss Daddy, though - he's driving back and will be here either late tonight or tomorrow afternoon.  We can't wait to see him!

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