Friday, April 1, 2011

Maya at 2 months, and other stuff

Maya turned 2 months old on March 11, and she's a big girl - in the 95th percentile for her age!

She's a very happy baby; she smiles all the time and is getting very close to laughing!  She's a daddy's girl - she loves Mommy, of course, but her face lights up when she sees Daddy.  It's adorable.  She's also strong; she can already roll over from belly to back.  She needs a lot of attention - she's happiest when someone is looking at her and talking to her, and she loves to be held.  She coos and smiles and talks!  She's still having some issues with her tummy; we have her on hypoallergenic formula and also give her Maalox when she needs it (usually only once every other day).  She's a good sleeper like her brother; at night she usually sleeps from about 10pm until 6am, eats, and then goes back to sleep for a couple more hours.

Noah is wonderful with her; he's always very worried about where she is, and gets very concerned if she cries.  He'll run and get her a pacifier and try to put it in her mouth - occasionally he succeeds.  If we're leaving the house to go somewhere I always put him in the car first, and then he reminds me not to forget her; he points to her seat and says, "Baby?"  He loves his baby sister so much, and gives her hugs and kisses all the time.

Noah is in the process of cutting his 2-year molars, and he's been pretty miserable with them.  He's drooling a lot and has his fingers in his mouth constantly; a couple of weeks ago I was snuggling with him in bed and he put his hand up to his face and said, "Hurt."  It just about broke my heart; I hope they come in soon!  On the subject of teeth, we took him to the dentist for the first time and although he wouldn't let them clean his teeth (I think he was afraid of the spinning brush thing they use) he let them "count" them (they were really looking at his bite, how the teeth are angled, etc.).  The dentist said his teeth look great and to keep up with our good brushing habits (he begs to brush his teeth, lol).  He also said that Noah probably won't need braces...yay!  We just recently got rid of his pacifiers - we cut holes in the tips so they don't really "work" anymore; he still wants them in his bed (the only place he still had any) but he doesn't ever put them in his mouth.  They affected his bite a little bit but the dentist said that since we're getting rid of them so early the bite should correct itself.

Noah is communicating so well!  He knows a ton of words, and learns at least one or two new ones everyday.  He's starting to talk in 2 word phrases ("night-night, Mommy") and will put several words together to tell a story; the other day he said, "Daddy.  Noah.  Dirt.  Outside."  He and Ray had been potting plants that day.  He also has quite a memory!  We went to a birthday party last week but had to leave early, so we went to a bakery to get him a cupcake since we missed the cake at the party.  Yesterday we went to a store in the same shopping center, and he kept pointing at the bakery (which was all the way across the parking lot) and saying, "Cupcake?  Pease?"

One more big piece of news; Noah peed and pooped on the potty for the first time!  We've had a little potty for him in our bathroom downstairs for awhile now, but aside from telling him what it was for, we haven't really done anything with it.  For awhile it just sat there, then he started going into the bathroom with us and sitting on his potty saying, "Pee-pee, poop," with his clothes on.  A couple of weeks ago he started asking me to take his diaper off (and his shoes, socks, pants, and shirt, lol) and he would sit down on the potty but wouldn't do anything.  The other day I could see that he was trying to poop, so I asked him if he wanted to go poop on the potty; he said, "Yes!" so I took off his diaper and put him on there....and he pooped (and peed)!  Just a little bit, but we made a big fuss about it, of course.  He stood up and looked at it, and said, "Ew, caca!" and wouldn't sit back down again.  We gave him a special treat (we went out and got ice cream).  I let him pick out some candy at the store, and he knows that if he goes on the potty he gets a jelly bean.  He hasn't done it since, but I'm not going to pressure him at this point - he can go at his own pace for now.

That's all that's new with us!  We're headed to the zoo tomorrow and Noah's school is doing a spring festival on Sunday (his class is singing 2 songs) so I'm sure I'll post more pictures and video soon.

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